JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

The Joanneum develops solutions and technologies for business and industry in a wide range of sectors and has been conducting cutting-edge research at an international level for more than 30 years. Topics include information and production technologies, human technology and medicine, as well as society and sustainability. The Institute for Digital Technologies will participate in the network. The Human Factors Laboratory is integrated into the network. Here, the focus is on people, their behaviour, stress and emotions in order to optimally adapt technical systems to people. Innovative measurements can be carried out to analyse human attention, stress, emotion and behaviour. The range of methods includes eye tracking, gaze analysis, the use of biosensor technology and the analysis of emotions. In addition to numerous participations in major industrial projects, the Joanneum has many years of experience as a partner and coordinator of national programmes and EU framework programmes.

Core competencies for the network: analysis of behaviour and stress for the optimisation of technical assistance systems
