RWTH Aachen - Chair of Medical Information Technology (MedIT)

MedIT is one of seven chairs at the Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, which was founded as an endowed chair of Philips GmbH. It addresses scientific issues in the fields of personal health care, physiological measurement technology and automation technology in medicine. Research in the field of "Electronic Solutions for Advanced Healthcare" focusses on the application of principles of electrical engineering, control engineering and mechatronics to medical problems. The area of Personal Health Care comprises portable medical devices that have been specially designed for diagnostic use in the home environment. Technological developments concern, for example, "inconspicuous and contact-free measurement technology of vital parameters" and "body area networks". This work is complemented by basic research in related areas such as signal processing and motion artefact suppression as well as sensor fusion.  

Core competences for the network: unobtrusive and contact-free measurement technology for vital parameters and body area networks
